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Our Mission

We bridge the culinary divide, while our profits bridge the digital divide!

We have two passions: helping people make delicious Indian foods, while helping underrepresented communities access tech education - a key to economic success in the 21st century. 

The mission of our business is to fund education - specifically, in engineering and tech - for underserved communities and underrepresented groups. These fields open the door to economic mobility in the digital future. And yet, so many years into the technology revolution, why are there still so few women or people of color who participate in tech and engineering fields?

Research studies show that girls and boys express interest and perform equally well in math and science at the elementary school level.  Social pressures and lack of role models can cause girls to lose interest and become convinced that they "can't do math!"

Evidence shows that exposure and encouragement to experiment in tech and engineering fields can result in increased confidence initially, and economic benefit in the long run as students explore careers.

If access to quality programs is limited, then so are the opportunities in the tech and digital economy.  Children in many underserved communities do not have access either to role models or to hands-on activities that expose them to these fields.

What better way to achieve both our passions and missions than to teach people to experiment, cook and taste more plant-based foods, and use those profits to fund education!

We plan to use 50% of our profits to fund programs that provide students with the opportunity to experience the excitement of tech and engineering.

Enjoy good food, and do good with food!

Thank you for supporting our work.